In Studio. Virtual. In-Home Postnatal.

You’re covered.

  • In Studio.

    Whether you are a mom navigating the changes of your postnatal body; an experienced Pilates practitioner who craves the Reformer, Low Chair and other equipment; or you’re new to Pilates and want to wrap your body and mind around the things you’ve experienced in classes—-I’ve got your back, front, and your pelvic floor. From athletes to injuries, with over fifteen years of experience, I’m going to meet you wherever you’re at and take you further. A workout with me isn’t just about a one hour workout; it’s about how to change the way you move and feel outside your workouts. 55 minute sessions available in Chicago’s Ravenswood neighborhood.

  • Virtual Private.

    Sometimes the biggest impediment to self care is trying to leave your house. So don’t. With a well-lit set up and a few props (or even none at all) a great workout can be had while maximizing your time. You’ll never be without me on vacation again. For Pilates Pros with access to equipment, I’m happy to virtually train you on your classical Gratz Reformer, your Balanced Body Cadillac, your Peak Low Chair, your Great Yoga Wall, Fuse Ladder, and more. Virtual Private Lessons are especially great options for new moms: never worry about when naptime or a feeding might interrupt your plans. Just put baby right next to you and let me take care of YOU.

  • In Home Postnatal.

    Live in or around the Chicagoland area, and I’ll come to you, with props. My Postnatal Package includes four 55-minute sessions, twice-weekly for two weeks to help ensure you get the right kind of foundational exercise during that critical fourth trimester to help ensure your journey forward, prevent injury, and maximize early intervention with any pelvic floor conditions that require a referral to a qualified Physical Therapist. I’ll check you for diastasis recti, create a personalized program of seriously doable home exercises that won’t overwhelm you with time demands you don’t have, and make sure you are doing them right. You’ll feel cared for, more energized, less exhausted, stronger and more connected.


In Studio Private Lesson: Single $110.00 USD 5-Pack $525

NEW CLIENT SPECIAL: 3 Private Sessions for $270*

Virtual Private Lessons: Single $100.00 5-Pack $475

In-Home Postnatal Recovery**: Single $ 150.00

Fourth Trimester In-Home Package**: 4 Sessions $500.00

(**Chicagoland area, travel rates may apply)

*New Client Special applies to clients who have never taken a private session, and is open to clients who have only taken classes.

Payments can be made via Zelle, or (for an added service charge of 4 %) through Stripe using a major credit card.

All Private sessions are subject to a 24 hour cancellation policy.

Book a Private Lesson.

Inquire about an appointment time or package, ask me questions, or set up a time for us to chat about your body needs. Chicago In-Studio sessions in Ravenswood.